11:02 PM
soo longg neverr updatee heree.. hm.. changedd thee blogg songg againn.. beenn longg searchingg forr thiss song andd foundd itt att lastt.. verii meaninggfull butt itss a indonesiann songg.. er.. laterr gonnaa putt thee lyric inn indonesiann andd englishh.. justt noww, wentt homee fromm skooll abtt 3 thenn talkk too himm att thee samee placee untill 6.. hahahax.. thenn liee too myy dadd thatt i saww nabilah[myy prii skool frend] thenn talkk too herr att myy voidd deckk.. hahahax.. aniwayy, the MID-YEAR EXAM iss comingg andd i still haben revisee.. oh geekk.. anotherr 2 moree weekss too EXAM.. IM DEAD!! er.. tomorroww, goingg libraryy too doo artt preparationn workk.. donn noee whichh onee too choosee.. well, gonnaa endd heree.. gudd nitez!
Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?
Satu masa telah terlewati
Benci dan rindu merasuk dikalbu
Ada apa dengan cintaku
Sulit untuk aku ungkap semua
Jangan pernah bibir tertutup
Bicarakan semua yang kau rasakan
Cinta itu kita yang rasa
Bila sengsara hatikan merana
Wahai pujangga cinta
Biar membelai indah
Teladani kalbuku
Jujurlah pada hatimu
Ada apa dengan cinta
Perbedaan aku dan engkau
Biar menjadi bait
Dalam Puisi cinta terindah
Andai bumi terbelah dua
Biar kita tetap saling berpeluk
What Is It With Love?
A period of time has passed
Hate & love play in my heart
What is it with my love?
It's very difficult for me to express it all out
Never ever keep it deep inside you
Just spill out everything that you feel
That love is what we feel
When our love hurt, our hearts will suffer
Oh, the poet of love
Let it caress beautifully
Follow as my heart has always been
Be honest with yours
What is it with love?
That made our differences
Be as one
In the most beautiful poetry ever
If our worlds are torn apart
Let us always be together
2:42 PM
lazy to blog anithingg.. todae, haiqal birthdae.. HAPPI BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! muackx.. muackx.. muackx.. tomorrow, gott literature testt butt still habenn learnn.. lazyy niaa.. leftt somee englishh andd mathss hwkk.. lazyy too doo.. well, mee stopp heree.. gudd nitez and tata!!
12:14 PM
justt finishh waitingg myy twinn broo too finishh playingg hiss gb.. haiz.. justt noww inn thee morningg, wentt outt too eatt breakfastt withh myy parentss andd myy unclee andd myy auntt.. thenn buyy a neww shoee againn.. thenn buyy thiss garnierr faciall foamm forr blockingg thee blackheadss butt i actuall wantedd too buyy thee garnierr whithingg foamm.. haiz.. neberr mindd.. nextt timee thenn i buyy thee anotherr onee.. thenn mee reachh homee, thenn watchh GK 3 [a malyy moviee, gerak khas 3] moviee thatt myy mumm justt boughtt.. quitee a nicee showw... thee moviee finshh thenn doo CME Projectt andd i still havenn doo thee writee upp andd myy englishh summaryy.. lazyy too doo.. aniwayy, i'mm boredd off writingg thiss soo wannaa endd heree.. byee andd gudd eveningg.. tata!!
9:27 AM
haiz.. hatee myy lifee.. backstabb.. betrayy.. peoplee aree justt hypocritee.. peoplee aree changingg.. tryy too see whyy i doo thatt beforee blamingg mee forr all thingss.. tryingg too bee nicee butt peoplee aree justt provokingg mee nott too.. i'mm justt sitingg inn thee cornerr.. alonee.. lookingg att peoplee.. seemss likee everithingg thee samee butt whenn i lookk againn, everithingg hass changedd..
WHY MY LIFE IS LIKE THIS?? sickeningg.. i wishh i couldd justt diee... noo moree worriess... wishh i couldd justt goo backk inn timee andd doo thingss withoutt regrett.. peoplee aree judgingg mee onn myy badd pointss.. peoplee misunderstandd mee.. haiz.. I'M NOT PERFECT!! i try too livee myy lifee thee wayy peoplee wantt mee too.. wishh i couldd justt dissapearr inn thinn airr.. soo muchh miseryy inn thiss lifee.. regrettingg alott off thingss.. i neverr smilee likee i usedd too bee..
i regrett trustingg soo manyy peoplee.. theyy endd upp dissapointt mee.. onee secondd, theyy aree yourr friendd.. thee nextt minutee, theyy turnn theirr backk onn youu... haiz.. theyy neverr appreaciatee thee thingss thatt youu hadd donee forr themm.. wishh i couldd justt stopp cryingg fromm thiss miseryy...
i cryingg inn thee silentt.. behindd myy hopefull smilee.. no onee noticess andd knoess thatt theress a girll hidingg insidee mee... a girll whoo iss brokenn.. tormentedd.. tornn, deepp insidee.. sufferingg.. i'mm drowningg inn thee darkness againn.. noo onee caree wheree i goo.. noo onee knoee whoo am i.. theyy thoughtt i'mm justt a bitchh livingg inn thiss worldd.. i donn caree iff youu noticee mee.. i donn caree iff youu hatee mee.. causee i hatee youu evenn moree...
11:22 PM
"Behind These Hazel Eyes"
Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong
Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hangin' on
Swallow me then spit me out
for hating you, I blame myself
seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside
[Chorus] x2
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
11:26 AM
Too angryy.. Too sadd.. Too frustratedd.. i'm tornn too piecess.. too blogg anithingg..
11:08 AM
noo homeworkk.. soo decidedd too updatee myy entriess... hm.. justt noww, skooll iss quitee boringg.. haiz.. butt afterr skooll, goo too serangoonn stadiumm causee nabillahh askedd mee too accompanyy herr as shee takingg partt inn thee trackss eventt andd shee wonn bothh.. soo happii forr herr.. saww cai dee andd wishh himm happii berthdaee causee hiss berthdaee iss todaee butt neberr gibb himm anithing.. saww basirunn [cute2 cousin] andd hiss gf too.. ya.. ya.. whateverr..
anywayy, wentt homee andd saww jordann.. soo unluckyy.. doesntt knoww thatt hiss skooll iss nearr the stadium.. soo longg neberr see himm.. thee lastt timee wass januaryy theree.. yupp.. butt hee didntt reallii talkk too mee causee gott hiss friendd theree.. whateverr..
gottaa goo.. changee songg forr myy blogg againn causee thiss songg remindss mee off eeuu.. hehehex.. :x.. sungg byy taufikk batisahh calledd onee lastt.. well, gudd nitee andd switt dreamss.. tata!!
One Last
I never could imagine, life without you
From the moment you walked into my world
Never knew how long a loving flame could burn
But losing you has forced me to learn
That we cant change the way we feel inside
And every try at love never turns out right
We both know its better if we just let it go
So lets have
One last kiss
One last touch
One last tender moment between us
One last dance
To our first song
While pretending theres nothing wrong
Lets stay here for a while and
Cherish every moment we're in denial
We both know
Its better if we just let it go
Every time I try to take a stand at all
I see your face again and I fall
In the middle of the night theres the scent of a rose
The smell of your perfume I suppose
But we cant change the way we feel inside
And every try at love never turns out right
We both know its better if we just let it go
So lets have
Baby if we met each other under a different sky
Maybe then things would be much better between you and I
We could always hold on to this one special thing we share
But it would be too much for us to bear
So lets have
We both know
Its better if we just let it go
10:33 AM
yupp.. i'mm hiss friendd backk.. soo happyy.. alott off thingss happenn todaee.. asraff andd a secc onee gerll quarrell.. i settlee thingss withh "him".. haiz.. anywaee, findd outt theress onee gerll whoo hatee mee.. too thiss gerll, thiss iss whatt i will saee too youu..
soo watt youu hatee mee.. i hatee youu evenn moree.. youu thinkk youu soo chioo andd everyonee likee youu.. i thinkk thee oppositee off yourss.. i usedd too thinkk thatt you'ree okaee.. butt noww, i hatee youu verii muchh.. acbc.. attractt boiss attentionn.. justt shutt upp.. att leastt i'mm nott a poserr likee youu aree.. i donn wantt too mentionn youurr namee heree causee iff youu readingg thiss, youu will knoee whoo youu aree.. thankss too "someonee" thatt i knoee youu hatee mee... i thankk thatt "someonee" verii muchh.. hatee youu too thee coree.. justt fuckk off withh myy lifee.. you'ree justt a acbc livingg inn thiss worldd.. noo usee off cursingg youu causee im nott likee youu.. whoo hatee everyonee exceptt yourr "sisterss".. i reallyy pityy themm.. howw couldd theyy standd withh thiss kindd off personn.. tskk.. tskk.. youu thinkk i'mm scaree off youu.. noo wayy... andd i will neverr bee..
11:06 AM
ohh geekk.. donn noee whatt happenn withh myy tagg-boardd.. neberr mindd.. waitingg forr cutee-cutee cousinn too replyy mee.. haiz.. soo longg neberr msg himm.. haiz.. still habenn doo myy CME projectt.. diee.. havee too pass upp byy thiss fridaee.. neberr mindd.. thiss tuesdaee, nabillahh havee too goo too stadiumm forr thee heatss thingyy andd shee askk mee too followw herr.. butt i'mm havingg avaa later.. and i decidedd too followw herr butt i scaree thatt i havee too goo backk too skooll andd attendd avaa cozz herr heatss startss att 3.30 andd 3.45.. and i plainn lazyy too goo avaa.. haiz.. hopee thatt mrr limm wouldd lett mee goo theree andd noo needd too goo avaa.. okk.. mee gottaa goo causee wannaa eatt myy dinnerr.. gudd nitee.. andd tataa..
11:18 AM
wee.. cumm heree andd updatee.. yeahh.. myy favouritee indonesiann showw calledd "AMANDA" iss comingg upp nextt.. cantt waitt too watchh itt causee itss thee firstt episodee... haiz.. myy mumm habenn reachh homee yett soo cantt msgg himm.. haiz.. wholee daee, veryy siann.. thenn keepp thinkingg off himm... hm.. maybee fallingg forr himm deeperr.. haiz.. missingg himm liaoo.. noww, findingg thee moodd forr myy blogg.. haiz.. mee changingg myy blogg songg againn calledd missin' you byy 1stt ladii.. thee songg veryy nicee.. veryy touchingg... haiz.. wannaa endd heree andd watchh thee showw butt beforee i endd, wannaa putt thee lyricss heree.. gudd nite
"Missin' You"
What did I do to deserve this
I didn't even get one last kiss from you
Oh baby God took your love from me
You needed an angel so it seems
I need to feel your hands all over me
I need to feel you kissing me
I need to feel you holding me
I need to feel your touch
Coz I miss your love so much
And I can't keep on living this way
I need you here with me
Why did he take you away from me
It's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave
And I know I'll never hear your voice again
Why did you leave me
Why couldn't you just stay
Because my world is nothing without you
Now I don't know what to do with myself
I would've given you anything
Just to make you happy
Just to hear you say that you love me one last time
I'd go to hell and back over and over again
Just to prove to you how much I need you here
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
I'd cry for you
I'd lie for you
And there's no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven
I would die for you, yes I will
I would rather give up my life
Than to see tears in your eyes
I can't stand to see you cry
Coz it's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave
And I know I'll never hear your voice again
Why did you leave me
Why couldn't you just stay babe
Because my world is nothing without you
Now I don't know what to do with myself
I just dont know what to do with myself
I cant stop looking at those pictures on my shelf
Knowing it was just one week ago, stood there and took that picture
There just one thing that I want to know
Why would God want to hurt me so bad
Does He know how much it hurts to be missing you
Baby Im missing you
Baby Im missing you
I love you
God, dammit I love you
Why did he did he take you away from me
Coz I love you so...
I miss you so much baby
I just cant go on baby
12:44 PM
yupp.. beenn a feww daess thatt i didntt updatee heree.. aniwayy, i faill myy mathss testt AGAIN... ohh geekk.. keepp onn failingg.. thenn i gott speciall 'treatmentt' forr mathss andd needd too doo a quizz everii wednesdaee.. andd lastt wednesdaee (6/4), still i failedd byy halff markss.. haiz.. thenn needd parentt signaturee andd showw itt byy todaee butt i forgottenn thenn forgee myy fatherr signaturee duringg CME whenn teacherr wantedd too see itt.. *evil grin* hahahax.. donn reallii caree.. andd todaee, i gett myy geographyy testt mark andd i thoughtt i failedd butt i wass shockedd thatt i actuallyy passedd andd gett 15/25.. ohh geekk.. i neverr actuallyy learnn all off thee topicss butt still passedd.. soo happii.. :)... aniwayy, supposedd too presentt geographyy todaee butt teacherr wass dissapointedd withh uss causee 15 pplee inn ourr class faill andd 5, i thinkk, gett onee digitt numberr outt off 25 soo extendd itt byy nextt weekk... soo luckii causee habenn actuallyy completedd itt.. pheww.. hmm.. aniwayy, wentt homee 4 pluss todaee.. wentt homee withh thee samee 3 guyss andd nabillahh andd nurull.. nabillahh andd nurull supposedlyy gott redd cross butt mrss chuaa donn alloww themm too joinn withh thee otherss redd cross memberss causee theyy neberr wearr redd cross t-shirtt.. hahahax.. soo lamee.. thenn hee sentt mee homee AGAIN... wee stopp attt thee lastt buss-stopp andd walkk all thee wayy too myy blkk.. thenn wee talkk-talkk soo muchh alongg thee wayy untill myy voidd deckk thatt i decidedd too sitt somewheree wheree wee cann talkk... hmm.. andd i decidedd too sitt a placee nearr myy housee playgroundd causee fromm theree, noo onee cann see uss.. whichh meann likee someonee i knoee wontt see uss togetherr.. wee talkk aboutt ALORTT stuff.. likee thingss beforee wee aree togetherr.. myy pastt relationshipp.. andd all suchh stuff... talkk forr abouttt 2 hourss andd i reachh homee att 7pm.. hahahax.. soo latee.. yupp.. whilee talkingg too himm, saww norainnii goingg homee.. hahahax.. shee saww mee too.. yupp.. i wannaa endd heree.. gonnaa eatt myy dinnerr.. byee.. andd gudd nitee..
12:04 PM
yupp.. ass youu guyss knoee i justt finishh eatingg myy dinnerr... yupp.. justt noww, ava verii siann.. justt sitt att avaa roomm thenn hearr onee mann lecturee aboutt ava thingyy.. haiz.. i wass preetyy boredd actuallyy andd keptt makingg noisee untill teacherr askedd mee too keepp quiett.. yupp.. todaee, myy lifee iss soo boringg.. hm.. all myy classmatess gett thee mathss resultt forr lastt testt.. andd i neverr gett itt causee i wentt forr ava dutyy.. haiz.. nott fairr!! andd michellee faill byy 1 markk... i hopee i pass.. iff justt pass, alsoo cann.. i still happyy forr itt... aniwayy, justt noww, quann huii see all myy neoprintt duringg ava thenn askk mee thatt hee wantts onee off itt soo i justt givee.. donn knoee whyy hee wantss.. yupp.. thatss all forr todaee.. byee-byee.. andd gudd nitee!!
11:06 AM
wee.. justt finishh findingg myy artt piecee... i wass soo fedd upp causee att thee sidee itss seemss ass iff someonee tornn ittt.. aarg.. itt wass supposedd too pass upp byy lastt fridaee butt i couldntt findd itt soo habenn pass upp yett.. i wantt too pass upp onn thiss thursdaee butt noww, i donn howw too... havee too figuree itt outt myself thenn.. haiz.. aniwayy, leftt lastt paragraphh too malayy compoo.. donn knoee whatt too sayy.. haiz.. todaee, itt seemss as iff i rushingg withh alott off thingss.. justt noww i doo mindd-mapp butt wrongg chapterr.. luckilyy rememberr thatt i supposedd too doo mindd-mapp onn powerr off 10 andd std. formm butt i goo andd doo congruence andd similarityy.... haiz.. soo tiredd.. tomorroww, skooll iss startingg.. siann.. siann.. siann.. goo homee latee againn ardd 3pm.. haiz.. aniwayy, I'M BORED!!! soo wannaa endd heree thenn.. gudd nitee.. switt dreamss.. tata!!
11:25 AM
elloo... comee heree andd updatee... putt thee emotionss thingyy.. thankss too zaferinn andd sorriee too herr thatt i busybodyy thatt alsoo putt thee emotionn att myy blogg.. sowiee.. i changedd thee songg againn.. aarg.. realli lovee thiss songg causee makee mee remindd off himm... hahahax.. thiss songg dedicatedd too all whoo readingg myy bloggg andd especiallyy himm.. yupp.. justt noww, wentt outt withh himm.. wentt too toaa payohh sincee hee wantss too goo theree forr funn.. haiz.. alott off peoplee siaa... hm.. wentt theree thenn eatt att kfc.. haizz.. kfcc againn.. thenn chitt chatt theree forr aboutt ann hourr pluss.. andd i neverr gett too eatt orr drinkk anithingg... suree youu guyss askk mee whyy... itss becausee i see himm all myy appetitte gonee.. itss nortt thatt hee uglyy orr whatt.. itss justt gonee andd i feell likee i havee eatenn aladii butt thenn att homee i onlyy eatt ricee andd somee chocolatee beforee wee wentt outt.. hahahax.. verii funnyy... neberr mindd.. talkk alortt aboutt alortt off "stuff"... thenn wentt homee afterr thatt.. yupp.. cann sayy boringg butt itss nortt boringg att all ass youu guyss expected.. yupp... wee wentt homee takee 155 fromm thee buss interchangee.. yupp.. iff youu guyss expectedd, hee sentt mee homee.. thenn reachh homee att 6.20 pm likee thatt.. hahahax.. thenn noww, i feell thatt i havee fallenn forr himm deeplyy.. ohh geekk.. i didntt expectt thiss... :O... i hatee too fall inn lovee withh a guyy causee iff breakk upp, suree itss hurtss so deeplyy... yupp.. aniwayy, saww cutee-cutee cousinn whenn i'mm insidee thee buss... hee playingg soccerr withh twoo guyss.. butt i donn knoee whoo.. aniwayy, gottaa goo.. see yaa andd gudd nitez..
11:28 AM
att lastt snatchh awayy thee computerr fromm myy brotherr... aarg... keepp onn makingg excusess soo thatt hee cann playy longerr... aargg... yesterdaee i neverr actuallyy touchh thee computerr causee i'mm too lazii andd tiredd... justt noww, gortt geoo testt... ohh geek... i forgottenn mostt off thee pointss... orr iss itt i neverr learnn itt... hahahahax.. laterr gonnaa helpp jesslynn withh herr blogg... yupp.. shee askedd mee too changee thee skin forr herr... hahahax... thiss weekk, i soo tiredd... causee i donn gett myy beautyy sleeppp.. aarg... hahahax.. noww, findingg a suitablee blogg forr herr.. yupp.. wannaa endd heree.. causee gonnaa bee confusedd withh alott off thingss inn myy windoww... bye-byee.. andd gudd nightt!!
11:23 AM