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Monday, February 28

im boredd!! TOTALII BOREDD!! i gott nothingg too doo.. sian.. sian.. gortt hmk butt doo itt onn fridaii causee i wentt homee earlii.. andd alonee.. hahahax.. hee wass searchingg forr mee inn skooll.. yaa.. yaa.. i reallii sowiee nortt too waitt forr eeuuu... tomorroww, gortt malayy test.. as usuall, neberr studii itt causee malayy quitee simplee.. itt justt thee idioms thatt makee itt soo difficultt... i donn knoee whatt happenn too thee peepss all aroundd mee causee itt seemss likee theyy aree sadd abtt lovee orr outtaa lovee... wheneverr i wentt too thee peepss blogg, i'mm suree theyy will wrotee... i'm sadd.. nooddii knoee.. andd whateverr stuff.. i thinkk february iss thee month off lovee sincee thee valentiness daii iss onn thiss monthh.. butt still i findd it wierdd.. lovee iss soo hurtingg.. butt whyy still theress peoplee whoo still likee beingg lovedd.. itss kindaa strangee ritee.. well, i likee beingg lovedd causee... itt feelss greatt andd yoo havee a sensee off belongingg.. yaa... yaa.. itss kindaa stupidd butt whateverr.. hadd a heartt too heartt talkk wif michelee yesterdaii.. wee will likee nortt soo closee recentlii.. why?? i alsoo donn knoee.. sumetimess, i doo feell likee shee tryingg too controll miee lifee, shee likess too gossipp too muchh abtt pplee [in thee firstt placee, i donn likee too gossipp abtt pplee.. i likee too critisee pplee behindd theirr back.. im worserr thann herr ritee..] andd shee cantt keepp secretss.. i knoee yoo guyss will wonderr.. iff shee likee thiss, whyy i still wannaa frends with herr.. itss becausee overall shess a gudd frendd despitee herr badd pointss andd will listenn too yourr problemss.. andd i knoee im nortt thatt "gud" "gud" too.. thatss whyy i believee everyonee iss nortt perfectt evenn yourr mumm.. andd whatt cann yoo expectt fromm yourr dearestt bf and dearestt bestt frendd ritee... tomorooww gonnaa goo outt withh michellee takingg neoprintt.. butt itss strictlii forr gurlss.. haiz.. cantt goo homee withh him againn... sadd.. nortt realii causee onn mondaii, i'mm gonnaa goo outt withh michellee thenn onn tuesdaii, i gortt cca thenn onn wednesdaii, hee gortt soccerr.. thenn itt leftt thursdaii andd fridaii.. butt onn fridaii, hee gortt fridaii prayerss.. thenn itt leftt onn thursdaii.. haiz.. quitee busyy thiss feww weekss.. sian.. sian.. endingg heree.. byee...

If Only You Know
2:05 PM

Sunday, February 27

wee... changee skinn... i doo thiss forr abtt 8 hourss yesterdaii causee beforee i editt somee off thee thingss, thee colourss verii dull soo i changee itt.. thee 8 hourss i wass seacrchingg thee blogg thenn copyy itt andd add thee pinkk starr effectt, changee thee colourss off thee writingg... writee miee infoo theree.. wah.. alott off thingss too doo.. puttingg e small picss att e blogg.. putt thee song alsoo.. haiz.. verii siann att home.. nothingg too doo... oh ya.. thatt gerll scoldd vulgarr wordss att mee again.. geek!!! butt i donn botherr withh herr causee shee cann sayy whateverr shee wantss.. i donn caree.. alott off pplee thoughtt thatt i wass afraidd off herr whenn i'm nortt evenn afraidd off herr causee shes onlii secc onee.. i justt bee patientt causee itss herr mouthh.. nortt miee mouthh.. i cantt justt shutt herr mouthh evenn though i wantedd herr too liddatt ritee.. ya.. ya.. wateverr withh herr.. lett herr bee obessedd off becomingg popularr forr oncee inn a whilee sincee alott off pplee knoww mee moree thenn herr.. shee jealouss off mee becausee off thatt.. soo dumbb off herr.. shee cantt win mee.. neverr.. muahahaha!!! aniwaii, at lastt foundd thiss song.. ah!!!! findd thiss songg forr soo longg thenn finallii foundd itt.. soo happii!! ok lah.. endingg heree.. byee.. lovee eeuu dearr..

If Only You Know
8:02 AM

Friday, February 25

helloo!! sowiee forr nortt updatingg thiss yesterdaii.. i wass plainn lazii too update.. :).. aniwayy, todaii reach homee abtt 6.30 pm.. latee causee gortt dc forr avaa.. reallii itss nortt dc.. itt iss justt that wee needd too standd outsidee thee dm room.. standd theree forr 30 minss.. luckii nortt thatt seriouss.. thenn wentt librarii too doo hmk andd studii forr tomorroww testt withh himm.. tomorrow, mathss paperr.. yeah!! miee fav. subjectt.. evenn though i donn gett verii thee gudd gradee forr mathss butt i still lovee itt.. hahahax.. :p.. aniwayy, wentt homee withh thee samee bunchh off pplee... haizz.. thiss weekk gortt commonn testt.. nortt reallii stressedd butt i knoee surelli miee sciencee paperr failedd andd maybee failedd dnt.. donn reallii caree abtt itt.. onee secc onee gerll calledd mee b_i_t_c_h.. donn realii caree abtt herr.. itss nortt thatt i'm scaree off herr orr whateverr.. itt justt i donn botherr too caree abtt whatt shee sayss.. butt iff shee reallii wentt too farr, i surelli will bee fedd-upp withh herr.. shee justt plainn jealouss off mee.. i knoee... hahahax...:D... donn reallii knoww whatt too writee animoree.. soo endingg heree.. lovee yoo guyss whoo readingg thiss especiallii eeuu... tata!!

If Only You Know
11:41 AM

Tuesday, February 22

mee noo moodd.. frustratedd withh himm.. hee alwayss angryy withh mee.. i neverr doo anithingg wrongg thenn angrii withh mee.. iss itt myy faultt.. mee verii sadd... i alwayss gett blamee forr everthingg.. evenn itt iss nortt myy faultt.. whyy cantt eeuu forr onee timee donn hurtt miee heartt.. cann... alwayss i'mm thee wrongg onee.. andd eeuuu iss alwayss rightt... everythingg thatt eeuu doo rightt.. whilee mee iss alwayss wrongg.. alwayss michellee askk mee thiss.. eeuu likee himm?? eeuu wantt too breakk upp withh himm?? i reallii sadd.. whyy cantt eeuu justt tell mee all thee thingss eeuu hidee fromm mee.. andd stopp tellingg thingss too michellee.. eeuu withh mee orr withh herr... i reallii gibb upp withh yourr characterr.. i reallii gibb upp.. i alwayss tryy too bee patientt withh eeuu.. butt eeuu alwayss goo beyondd miee limitt.. i cannott sayy anithingg.. alwayss sisterr keepp tellingg mee too gett closerr too himm thann anionee elsee.. ya lah.. ya lah.. i will tryy too listenn too all hiss advicee.. haiz.. now, mee nortt thatt angrii likee jux noww causee jux now, i keepp onn cryingg mann.. mee still waitingg forr hiss msgg.. haiz.. maybee laterr thenn i msgg himm.. all off thiss iss miee faultt soo i havee too apologisee too himm noo matterr watt.. thankss too michellee andd sisterr forr theirr advicee evenn thoughh sumetimess i findd yoo guyss irratatingg andd busibodii.. :x.. butt i knoee yoo guyss meann well.. haiz.. realii cannott sayy anithingg too him.. feell soo guityy andd regretfull.. reallii.. haiz.. mee wantt too endd heree... byee-byee.. from thee bottom off miee hurtingg heartt, i reallii sowiee...

If Only You Know
1:08 PM

Sunday, February 20

i'm BOREDD!!! totallii boredd too deathh.. missingg miee dearr liaoo.. haiz.. yesterdaii wentt home with him,sisterr,iqbarr anddd mahzhuz as yoo guyss knoee thatt i wrote i wass sadd yesterdayy butt i didntt sayy whatt happenedd afterr thatt orr beforee i cryy ritee.. hahahax.. yesterdaii, i wass cryingg whenn i watchingg julinee dancee.. i wass verii sadd abtt whatt happenn yesterdaii.. well, i will tell yoo guyss wat happenn.. heree itt goess, beforee i wentt too miee secondarii skool, miee dearr andd thiss gerl [don wantt too mentionn herr namee], theyy likee each otherr forr 2 yers plus.. miee dearr askk herr too bee hiss steadd butt shee justt ignoredd thee questionn andd donn wantt too answerr itt andd hee waitt forr herr forr longg timee i think.. thatt thingg happenn beforee i existt inn miee secondarii skooll.. i knoee i shoudntt bee sadd forr itt butt i feell soo guilty.. itss likee i havee brokenn upp theirr realionshipp.. i wass terriblyy sadd.. i wasntt miee-selff yesterdaii.. thee thingss thatt i laughh orr smilee att, its nortt sincerelii comee fromm miee heartt.. butt whyy hee neverr tell mee anithingg abtt thiss incidentt... hess soo cruell.. ok.. ok.. letss talkk abtt watt happen afterr i hab cryy... hee wentt backk too schooll afterr hiss fridayy prayerss.. becausee michellee msgg himm sayss thatt i wass angryy withh himm.. whenn actuallii, michellee knoess thatt i wass sadd abtt thatt incidentt butt shee neverr tell himm thatt i wass actuallii sadd.. soo hee wentt backk too skooll withh sisterr.. sisterr talkk too mee firstt causee wee wantedd too revisee ourr sciencee thingyy sincee thiss mondaii, is sciencee commonn testt.. talkk abtt thee commmonn testss, wow!!! soo fastt common testss aladii.. soo boring!!! haiz.. wee wentt homee att 5.30 pm causee wee wait forr michellee sincee shee gortt guidess thenn wentt too KFC too eatt.. weee!!! mee wannaa endd heree.. wantt too eatt miee lunch.. tata!!

If Only You Know
7:31 AM

Saturday, February 19

todaii mee wholee daii, verii sadd.. haiz.. mee too sadd too sayy whatt hadd happenn.. thankss too michellee, noww i noee whyy i'mm thee thirdd partyy.. i realii dunn knoee whatt happenn betweenn eeuu bothh beforee i existt inn thatt skooll.. i reallii sowiee too thee gerll if eeuu thoughtt thatt i steall ur bf.. duringg d&t justt noww thenn i knoee causee michellee toldd mee sincee hee toldd michellee yesterdaii.. whyy eeuu donn wantt too tell mee earlierr.. i cryy att skooll whenn i wass alonee.. julinee knoee i verii sadd butt shee donn knoee howw muchh itss hurtt mee.. miee heartt wass hurtingg soo muchh thatt makess mee wantedd too cryy soo much.. i reallii feell guiltyy breakingg thee relationshipp eeuu bothh usedd too havee.. i reallii reallii sorii.. i didntt knoee beforee.. whyy eeuu keepp hurtingg mee soo much.. whyy cantt forr onee daii, eeuu makee mee realise thatt i hab chosen thee rightt personn.. whyy cantt eeuu makee mee.. eeuu bothh likess eachh otherr forr 2 yerss pluss butt thenn i didntt knoee anithingg forr thee lastt 5 monthss thatt wee aree togetherr.. iss itt fairr forr mee too gett hurtt... miee heartt hurtss soo muchh... whyy cantt eeuu donn makee mee hurtss mee soo muchh forr onee timee.. justt onee timee.. theress soo muchh thingss eeuu hidee fromm mee... andd still eeuu neverr tell mee.. whyy eeuu treatt mee thiss wayy.. i wantedd too knoee whetherr eeuu reallii likee mee orr itss justt too makee herr jealous.. i feell soo painn.. hurtt.. betrayed.. wrongg.. guilty.. sadd.. wantedd too gibb upp thee hopess thatt i gibb eeuu.. i reallii wants too butt i cantt.. i reallii likee eeuu.. itss hardd forr mee too tell miee mindd too stopp likingg eeuu whenn miee heartt still doess.. haiz.. thee fakee smilee thatt i gibb eeuu iss howw muchh thee painn thatt i keepp insidee mee.. eeuu still donn knoee thatt eeuu leavee soo muchh scarss inn miee heartt... endingg heree.. signingg off; brokenn heartt withh missingg piecess...

If Only You Know
1:28 PM

Thursday, February 17

haiz.. mee justt finishh bathingg liaoo.. hahahax.. reachh homee 7 pluss.. hahahax.. luckii neverr gett scoldedd byy miee fatherr causee hee wass concentratedd watchingg soccerr.. mee lazii too goo homee earlii thenn i decidedd too waitt forr himm alsoo sincee hee gortt soccerr.. michellee gott bf liaoo... hahahax.. happii forr herr liaoo.. att lastt findd herr soo calledd "princee charmingg".. hahahax... now, yoo will feell thee samee wayy i feell whenn theyy disturbedd yoo byy callingg hiss namee.. hahahax.. gudd forr yoo!!! wateverr itt iss hopee theyy lastt longg.. thatss all i cann wishh forr.. damnn tiredd liaoo.. haiz.. still habenn eatt... thee friendsterr gortt sumethingg wrongg.. sayy whatt.. the email address you entered is not a valid Friendster login.. wtf.. i triedd minee, myy broo andd michellee onee alsoo gortt thee samee resultt.. f**k **f... haiz... mee wannaa checkk liaoo.. i donn knoee is itt friendsterr sumethingg wrongg or miee computerr.. haiz.. gonnaa askk michellee laterr.. endd heree.. wannaa eat.. miee stomachh grumblee aladii.. hahahax... tata!!

If Only You Know
12:23 PM

Tuesday, February 15

hii!! justt noww, reachh homee att 5.. hahahax.. goo homee withh ilhamm, cutee-cutee andd mahzuz... luckii mie fatherr neverr nagg at mee again.. hahahax.. mee justt finishh miee homeworkk liaoo.. hahahax.. thiss iss miee firstt timee too mentionn heree thatt miee homeworkk finishh.. hahahax.. soo happii.. butt i still leftt miee malayy compositonn.. lazii too doo.. haiz.. hahahax.. justt noww, gortt noon assemblii liaoo.. wee all combinedd assemblii.. too thosee whoo iss nortt fromm miee skool, combinedd assemblii meanss all secc 1, secc 2 secc 3, secc 4 andd secc 5 all gatheredd inn thee hall causee gortt thee studentt investituree thingyy.. haiz.. sian.. tomorrow, alsoo gort.. alsoo thee combinedd assemblii duirngg morningg assemblii.. donn knoee gott watt lah.. haiz.. duringg miee sciencee lessonn (ard 11.30), zhenn lingg toldd jasonn too tell mee thatt i nidd too bee outsidee thee DM room att 2.30pM.. shitt liaoo.. scaree mee liaoo.. i thoughtt i habb too meett mrr kwokk, miee displinee masterr, causee off miee mathss homeworkk causee i still habenn pass upp.. hahahax.. lazii too doo.. sayy onlii class tresurerr butt still behavee likee thiss.. hahahax.. aniway whenn i saww thatt all pa creww wass theree, i wass like... "aiya!! luckii nortt mee alonee orr elsee surelii i cryy.. i cryy becausee i angryy okk.. don thinkk i wass afraidd off him orr whatt soo everr.. donn believee mee, thatss yourr problemm.. backk too thiss, wee all kenaa lecturee byy mrr davee forr ourr behaviourr.. geek!! hee toldd thatt mee, gui duann andd fazrinn wass playingg on thee chinesee neww yerr rehearsall andd nortt takingg thingss seriouslii.. duh!! off coursee, i wasntt seriouss causee itt wass justt a rehearsall butt onn thee actuall dayy, wee did itt quitee well soo donn forgett thatt.. wee all standingg theree forr 50 mins man.. itss likee 2.30pm-3.20pm.. haiz... andd hee gavee eachh off uss a commentt.. andd i rememberr hee saidd thiss.. " leee pingg.. sharina... donn takee thee keyss withoutt teacherr permissionn".. orr sumethingg likee that.. ah?? i donn evenn doo thatt man.. i donn understandd him orr is itt hee donn habb anii commentss onn miee.. hahahax.. i rememberr kennethh onee.. hee saidd thiss too him.. "kenneth.. eeuu shuldd shutt upp yourr mouth sometimess.." hahahax.. i turnn backk andd i wass likee smillingg too himm.. hahahax.. aniway iff yoo guyss knoee, todayy iss valentiness dayy.. hahahax.. afterr thee assemblii, michellee toldd miee too goo hiss class.. i wass likee.. oh geek!! hee gonnaa gibb mee somethingg andd i wass likee embarrassedd andd paisayy att thee samee timee whenn i climbb upp thee stairss.. hahahax.. hee gavee mee thiss paperr bagg thenn insidee wass a shoee box.. andd i askk himm... " wah.. soo bigg.. donn habb biggerr is it??.." hahahax.. hee answeredd thiss "gortt.. thee alvinn gibb too yunn haoo.. bigg mah".. hahahax.. hee sayy sumethingg likee thatt lahh... thenn michelle goo andd checkk itt.. mee too paisayy too checkk liaoo.. hahahax.. donn thinkk hee boughtt mee a shoee.. hee actuallii boughtt mee a tedyy bearr.. quitee bigg lahh.. hahahax.. i gibb himm thee hp strapp whenn hee wass goingg too hiss soccerr tournamentt whichh heldd inn otherr skooll..i wass likee paisayy causee hee gibb mee soo bigg thenn i gibb himm soo small.. haiz.. i receivedd 4 valentiness dayy thingyy.. onee fromm him.. onee from asraff causee yoo knoee thatt myy class andd hiss class combinedd thenn needd too exchangee thingg forr thiss valentiness.. hahahax.. onee from ilham.. i wass shockedd.. whyy hee gibb mee?? haiz.. donn expectt himm too gibb mee.. andd fromm mahzuz.. donn knoee whyy hee gibb mee... peoplee nowadayss soo strangee.. neberr mindd.. wannaa endd.. miee neckk achingg causee writee thiss forr quitee a longg timee aladii.. hahahax.. tata!!

If Only You Know
12:10 PM

Monday, February 14

helloo!! as usuall, i wentt outt withh michellee yesterdaii.. wentt too bugiss thenn heartlandd... wee supposedd too meett 12 pm butt thenn michellee takee thee buss soo earlii fromm herr housee thenn i hab too rushh theree.. luckilii thee mrtt comee onn timee... aniway, at lastt mee buyy himm andd leee pingg things forr thee valentiness daii.. i buyy him a hp strapp thenn gott hiss namee onn itt.. i buyy himm att thee "giftt a namee" shopp.. duh!! thatss thee onlii placee inn bugiss yoo cann putt yourr namee.. andd as forr lee ping, i buyy herr a anklet.. verii nicee lehh.. i wantt itt forr myself butt i cantt.. haiz.. neber mind.. wee takee buss too goo too heartland.. itt tooks uss abtt 30 minss too reachh theree.. quitee longg lahh butt thenn michellee slp insidee thee buss.. hahahax.. wee wentt theree andd eatt att KFC sincee both off uss iss hungryy.. reallii wee wentt theree causee wee gonna takee neoprintt att theree butt wee neberr takee causee off herr grannii.. duringg thee makingg off hiss hp strapp insidee thee "giftt a namee" shopp, herr grannii call thenn sayy thatt shee wantts too buyy thingss forr a guyy whenn actuallii shee buyingg forr ninaa forr thee valentiness.. thenn michellee wass quitee angryy withh herr causee shee keepp onn sayingg herr grannii iss a bitch.. thenn whenn wee insidee thee buss, herr mum call herr too askk herr abtt thee valentiness... herr mum call from taiwann thenn call too hereee.. wah!!! onlii abtt small thingss, from theree call heree.. herr grannii verii troublesome.. noo wonderr shee hatess herr.. afterr eatingg, wee wentt homee.. mee goo homee takee buss 80 andd michellee took bus 13 sumethingg.. cantt rememberr.. hahahax.. endd heree.. wannaa eatt miee breakfast... bye-bye!!

If Only You Know
12:42 AM

Saturday, February 12

mee soo siann.. haiz.. alott off thingss hass happenn recentlii.. yesterdaii, miee crushh toldd mee thatt hee usedd too hab a crushh onn mee too.. haiz.. i wass feelingg sad, dissapointedd, regrett andd wasted.. all off thiss att thee samee timee.. itss likee.. i wass thinkingg whyy hee cantt comee too miee lifee whenn i wass still singlee lastt timee.. haiz.. yoo camee too miee lifee att wrongg timee. butt thatt doesntt meann wee cann bee frendz ritee.. maybee fatee wontt lett uss bee together thatt time.. haiz.. butt i onlii feell thatt duringg thee morningg andd noonn.. andd ardd thee timee off 5, mee andd andd himm didntt talkk too eachh otherr causee mee wass soo fedd upp withh mahzhuz andd hiss broo.. theyy goo andd takee miee bagg and hidee somewheree.. i knoee yoo guyss gonnaa thinkk that iss soo lamee.. ya.. i knoe.. butt doo yoo thinkk itss kindaa likee childish.. i hatee childishh pplee andd i hatee pple whoo takee miee bagg forr noo reasonn... i donn knoee whyy alsoo.. hahahax.. duringg thatt timee, i doubt miee feelingss forr himm.. andd i wass thinkingg whetherr breakingg upp withh him wass thee greatt thingg forr uss.. haiz.. alwayss thinkk too muchh... mee didntt talkk too himm forr abtt ann hourr andd hee suddenlii camee too mee andd talkk.. andd whenn hee talkk.. geek.. miee heartt wass achingg forr noo reasonn... thatss whyy i'm didntt talkk much too yoo.. i'm reallii sorriee too makee yoo feel verii sadd orr angryy.. i reallii soriie.. i triedd too changee butt i cantt.. i donn knoee whyy yoo soo angryy abtt whenn i'm thee onee whoo iss feelingg frustratedd.. everii timee, onee off uss iss frustratedd withh someonee orr onee anotherr, wee wontt talkk.. hahahax.. butt usuallii, i'm thee onee whoo alwayss gett angryy.. hahahax... andd whenn i wass sittingg outsidee thee skooll librarii, i saww this zodiacc personalitiess soo i readd hiss onee andd minee.. theyy wrotee cancerr andd taurus, thatss meann wee, iss gudd too each otherr.. real izzit?? mee alsoo donn knoee... hahahax.. i rememberr thiss linee fromm hiss cancerr personlity >> rememberr thee pplee yoo hurtt oftenn as theyy aree thee onee whoo iss truee too yoo.. hahahax.. thiss iss truee... whilee forr mee >> theyy aree likee thee firee.. theyy cann bee a gudd friendd andd alsoo a badd enemii... hahahax... truee alsoo.. mee wannaa endd herr.. wannaa eatt.. habenn eatt yett.. tata!!

If Only You Know
12:40 PM

Wednesday, February 9

wohooo.. wentt backk too macphersonn prii.. so happii.. the firstt personn i saww whenn i wentt in wass weii longg and huii xiangg.. butt thenn, i saww faezahh.. oh geek.. shes gettingg moree chioo and cutee.. suree alott of pplee jioo herr butt i thinkk shee rejectedd cuzz shes sayss shess stilll singlee.. thenn waitt forr nabilah.. waitt forr herr forr abtt 20 minss.. butt thenn shee still habenn comee.. haiz.. saww jordann and hiss neww frendss att thee bus stop.. hee still look thee samee and gettingg moree and moree thinnerr.. soo pitifull.. andd he looks cutee tooo..:x.. wateverr.. itss all inn thee pastt noww.. shouldntt rakee itt upp.. saww abuu butt hess goingg homee cuzz hee gott otherr plann.. bryann,alwynn and boonn huii neberr comee.. maybee theyy all goo shopping forr thee chinesee neww yerr thingyy.. ermm.. thenn i saww nabilahh, hudaa and hakeemm togetherr.. theree aree thee mostt gud frendz i everr havee.. erm.. neberr saww prabat,sukrimm and rabinn.. maybee they forgott abtt it or justt plainn lazii too goo... angryy withh miee bf cuzz hee goo and takee miee bagg whenn i wass talkingg too miee oldd frendz.. mee abtt too cryy butt i controll thesee tearss nott too cryy cuzz no matterr watt he's my bf.. and i wass soo fedd-upp with him thatt i askk miee-selff whyy i everr likee him.. andd i mustt bee blindd.. ya.. ya.. wateverr abt thatt.. hatee irritatingg guyss.. hess luckyy enuff thatt hess my bf or elsee i willl justt scoldd vulgarity att him.. going outt withh michellee thiss saturdayy.. buyingg clipss forr leee pingg cuzz shee iss my secrett penn-pall whichh ourr class andd herr class combinee forr thee valentiness dayy.. andd maybee bringingg nabilahh thiss saturdayy.. andd askingg himm too followw uss.. me endingg heree.. wannaa eatt miee lunch.. tata!!

If Only You Know
5:55 AM

Monday, February 7

wohoo.. i'm back againn.. mee soo siann.. erm.. realii i'vee beenn missing my dearr.. keepp thinkingg of him onlii.. don knoee gortt wat hwmk.. but mee doo maths olreadii butt leftt 3 qns.. don noee how too doo.. haiz.. alraedii aboutt 8 monthss, mee neverr holdd aa guy handd.. and i quitee miss itt.. i neverr hold his handd cuz me no couragee too doo soo.. and soo iss himm.. want to holdd his handd during valentinees day butt don knoee whetherr hee busy on thatt day cuz maybee hee gortt soccerr trainning.. haiz.. sad.. watt too doo.. lovee himm too much.. i don mind thee suffering.. everii timee i see a couplee hold theirr hand, itt bring mee back miee old memoriess.. haiz.. mee no mood to doo anithing.. don knoee why mee soo bored.. haiz.. mee wishingg onn miee luckii starr thatt i and him will lastt longerr.. haiz.. mee ending heree.. tata..

If Only You Know
1:35 PM

Sunday, February 6

yesterdayy went homee with him.. weee... so happii... reallii mee wannaa stay backk for fun cuz if i goo homee early, soo boring soo stayy back until his soccer trainning finish with mahzuz and his brotherr.. he finish soccerr trainning abt 5 then afterr that mee, him, his brotherr and mahzuz wentt too macd too eatt ourr sortt of dinnerr and mahzuz treat uss.. wohoo.. eatt for freee but i cantt finish eatt cuz wee keep onn laughing and i lostt miee appetitee too eatt.. hahahax.. now then i realized how much hee meantt too mee.. i neverr in my wholee life realized thatt whenn i seee his eyes, i findd a cutee and lovablee guy.. i lovee him too much now.. i cant losee him.. by then, my lifee seemss nothing.. thee last few days, i havee a crush on cute-cute cousin but yesterday nitee, then i realized that i only lovee him.. and onlii him.. noo onee else.. and i will trii miee bestt too forget miee crush.. even though, hee hurtt mee alorrt of timess butt i knoee i lovee him.. mee wants too buy him something forr thee valentines day thingy.. i donn caree.. too tell him, how much hee meant too mee.. haiz.. everiday miee lovee forr himm grows.. wannaa end heree.. donn noee watt too sayy.. bye!! lovee yoo dearr!!!

If Only You Know
1:58 AM

Thursday, February 3

hi! thesee week, mee verii busy cuz gortt alott of homework, rehearsal, dramaa class and alsoo remedial class.. haiz.. and maybee tomorow, goo homee with him.. haiz.. the lastt few days, neberr go homee with him cuz i'm gort ava then hee gortt soccerr tournamentt.. haiz.. aboutt two weeks moree then valentines day.. haiz.. nortt gibing him anithing maybe cuz mee want to buy alort of ppLe present.. i still own some of miee friends presentt... hehehehex.. aniway, gortt a sec onee gerll complain to luqman that i steal herr boyfriend.. watt onlii.. and herr boyfriend is hafizhan.. wtf.. in thee first placee, hafizhan don habb any gerlfriend.. and she is jealous becausee on monday, i was with him in thee skooll library talking aboutt valentines dayy coming.. and secondlyy, i habb a boyfriendd... duhh!! for watt i steal yours.. hee iss nort even my typee... wee samee mother touguee class wat.. surelyy veri closee.. then i alsoo hab a alortt of guy friends wat.. soo cant blame me.. haiz.. this yearr sec onee batch very thee flirt.. even mee last yearr nort that bad as them.. everytimee ask thee upperr sec hp numberr.. wat onlii.. think yoo guys verii chioo .. kns.. mee moree chioo... oops.. :x.. wrong lah.. mee more cutee.. hehehehex.. aniway, i congrulate luqman for being the head prefectt... CONGRATULATIONS!!! hahahahax.. wishh him all thee bestt.. mee still improving my english.. hopee forr thee bestt to mee..today, hafizhan berthday.. HAPPI BIRTHDAY TO YOO!!! neberr buy him anithing cuz underr-budgett.. hahahahax.. me ending here.. mee tired.. want to sleep but then gortt homework.. haiz.. byee-byee!!

If Only You Know
10:00 AM


Reeeeeeeen-E: My Friendster
Best-Friend: Nisa, Roy and Aaron


akasha-SP, azura-RP, danny-IteBedok, delphine, fadli-MPSS, fara-StHildas, farhan-IteTamp, farhana-SP, hidayat-IteTamp, hafiz-BHSS, mastura-BSS, maziana-EVSS, myra-NP, rafidah-TSS, rasul-ERIS, roy-NP, rudy-RP, simun-CCSS, suhair-MPSS, sumedhaa, tursina-GMSS, yanyi, zadsister


October 2004, November 2004, January 2005, February 2005, March 2005, April 2005, May 2005, June 2005, July 2005, August 2005, September 2005, October 2005, November 2005, December 2005, January 2006, February 2006, March 2006, April 2006, May 2006, June 2006, July 2006, August 2006, September 2006, November 2006, January 2007, February 2007, March 2007, April 2007, May 2007, June 2007, July 2007, August 2007, September 2007, October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008,

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